Papers cite while you write
How To Write A Story Essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
No Smoking Allowed On the Job or Off Case Study Analysis Essay
Should businesses reserve the option to boycott or limit smoking by their representatives at the working environment? For what reason do you suspect as much? Just like the case with OSHA, representatives reserve the privilege to a protected and sound working environment. Since smoking obstructs on that right, I do accept that businesses reserve the option to boycott or confine representative smoking at the work environment. Recycled smoke is a significant issue, one that is frequently disregarded by smokers. Nonsmokers reserve the option to not be presented to something that they decide not to take part in. It is out of line for workers to be presented to wellbeing dangers that they are not expressly exposing themselves to. Furthermore, there is some obligation on the work environment to guarantee that additional degree of a protected and sound condition. Since presentation to smoke is a wellbeing danger, deciding to limit or boycott it can't be viewed as an infringement of individual rights. 2.Should businesses reserve the option to confine or boycott smoking by representatives off the activity, as Weyco did? For what reason do you suspect as much? I was torn on this circumstance as I am a firm devotee to individual rights. In any case, considering the additional wellbeing costs the business must follow for their smoking representatives, shouldn’t they reserve the option to state no! I do believe that businesses ought to reserve the privilege to confine or boycott smoking off the activity on the off chance that it meets certain measures. First of all, workers must be given sufficient notice or if the standard is as of now set up, be informed ahead of time of applying to the association. Next, it is significant that current workers influenced by the change, just like the case at Weyco, be given the instruments and chance to stop. I feel 15 months was an adequate measure of time, given the apparatuses the association provided, to make way of life changes on the off chance that one decided to. At last, I think there ought to be continuous help to instruct and help with the procedure. There are unquestionably sure enterprises that I accept ought to conjure this. A genuine case of this would be social insurance suppliers. Do you know how often I see the medical caretaker who will be helping me at the emergency clinic or facility outside smoking cigarettes? I’ve really observed oncologists smoking outside the emergency clinic †individuals who battle for lives that have been influenced therapeutically by smoking†¦it irritates me. In this way, I do accept that clinics should just utilize nonsmokers. I should concede when I need to stroll through a haze of smoke to get the opportunity to work, it chafes me. I surmise you may find a totally different solution to these inquiries in the event that you posed to a smoker. 3.Should the administration manage smoking at work? Provided that this is true, what might be the best open approach? For what reason do you suspect as much? The straightforward answer for the issue is permit the legislature to direct smoking at work. By offering open arrangement that ordered certain enterprises need to utilize smoke free representatives, restricting all indoor smoking at work, touching off severe parameters on those ventures permitted to have smokers, and proceeding to punish representatives from a medical coverage point of view †the legislature could incredibly help hinder or control costs encompassing this dreadful propensity. A potential thought is make smokers completely pay for their own medical coverage. On the off chance that they saw the additional cost they have on their boss possibly they would reevaluate their alternatives. 4.Should global firms have a solitary corporate approach on smoking in the working environment, or shift their strategies relying upon neighborhood laws and standards of conduct in different nations where they work together? Once more, this is an inquiry I was altogether torn on. Having taken numerous worldwide business courses, I perceive the significance of working together as per the neighborhood laws and standards. As I would like to think the wellbeing dangers forced by smoking and presentation to recycled smoke stay consistent paying little mind to area, nearby law or conduct standards. In any case, it gets hard to work together in nations where you conjure decides and guidelines that conflict with what the social standards are. Sadly I think on the off chance that you run contrary to the natural order of things in different nations you are bound to hit obstruction and be not able to discover representatives to work for you. In spite of the fact that, I additionally accept to be reasonable for US workers, national areas ought to be dealt with the equivalent. My association is claimed by a Dutch based organization and they regularly summon arrangements that appear to be odd here in the US, however they cover all choices over all areas. I can’t choose which bodes well. My business cap says no they ought not have a solitary approach yet my HR cap says yes they should.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Neurosurgeon Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
Neurosurgeon Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips Neurosurgery is undisputedly among the most complex spheres of medicine because the scope of duties and responsibilities goes way beyond the limits of someone who just prescribes vitamins to patients to feel better.When one says “brain surgeryâ€, that’s already complicated enough, but neurosurgery is even more than that.There are surgical and non-surgical procedures, based on the conditions, but in each case, comprehensive knowledge and an extreme dose of patience are required.Come to think of it, writing a resume for neurosurgeon sounds like a piece of cake comparing the actual job itself, doesn’t it?Well, it’s going to be, right after you read our detailed guide on creating a CV, packed with loads of useful information and hints.The complexity of this highly responsible profession requires a well-arranged resume which will assure recruiters that you are the candidate they need.As you are supposed to perform complex and demanding procedures, future employees need to make su re that you are trustworthy and experienced enough.So, it’s quite natural that after a busy day in the operating room your brain’s somewhat off (pun intended!), that’s why we shall help you and make your CV shine the brightest among the competition.We will guide you through every section, showing you how to articulate them precisely and make them attract the readers’ attention.After all, the attention span is drastically decreasing, some resumes are eliminated by the applications without ever being seen by real people.Now that you are aware of how important is to make sure your resume ends up in “inviting for an interview†pile of papers, get down to acing it.Are you ready to learn how to write the best neurosurgeon resume?Pediatric Neurosurgeon Resume Example Right Junior Neurosurgeon Resume Example Right Create your own resumeAs you can see by these two practical examples of how your CV should be written when youre applying for the position of a neurosurgeon, there are plenty of details one should pay attention to.In the beginning, you need to put yourself into the recruiter’s role and try to make out what are the details he/she will pay attention to.That’s why our guide here will give you detailed instructions on each of the sections and help you express things the right way. Your resume should be adjusted to the demands of the specific position so that the recruiter would be sure that you are the desired candidate.Stay tuned to find out how the best neurosurgeon resume should look like, what are the most common dos and don’ts and how to increase chances to get that excellent job which caught your attention.Plus, we have quite a powerful tool for you, later on that!KNOW-HOWS ON WRITING THE PERSONAL INFO SECTION IN NEUROSURGEON RESUME Every resume, regardless of the professio n, has the approximately similar intro. That’s the section with personal information, where, to be honest, you cannot improvise much. To be precise, you shouldn’t improvise at all.So, have a precision of a surgeon (I mean, a neurosurgeon) and make sure everything’s well-expressed and written in this section.Some information like full name, phone number, e-mail, and address should be written the way they are, no false data or some nonsense.Allow me to illustrate it via a practical WrongIt doesn’t take much to guess which one would be invited and which candidate would be eliminated from the process. Your e-mail address should sound professional and ordinary, so nothing inappropriate, silly or even embarrassing should end up in an important document such is your resume.If you haven’t got any that sounds okay, well, making it would take you several minutes, and the difference is enormous.Though it may seem like an irrelevant detail, HRs do pay attention to such things.As for your physical address, that detail is not mandatory, so it’s up to you whether you will or wont list it. Check out what’s in the job requirements.What’s even more crucial is that your full name is precisely that- just name and last name. Nicknames, alias names, and pseudonyms are strictly forbidden in the resume. You don’t want your resume to sound ridiculous, don’t you?Here’s the good and the bad example:Olivia Miller RightOlly Miller WrongThe next section- profession. If possible, when listing it, stay clear of generic and broad titles. Try to specify it. It can be particularly challenging for freshly-graduated candidates or those who haven’t got much experience yet, but adding something like “Junior†or “Assistant†also does the job.Several options could be listed in this section. It can be either the previous job title, your actual profession, but listing the topic of your master thesis or subject you’ve graduated are also among possibilities how to express your profession precisely.For example:Pediatric Neurosurgeon RightNeurosurgeon WrongAnd last but not the least important thing-social media. If you decide to include this in your resume, the best choice is LinkedIn.Of course, provided the profile is up to date. If you have a well-arranged LinkedIn profile, it will make an excellent addition to your resume and will help HRs create a precise picture about who you are,Avoid including social networks that are not business-related or have too much inappropriate content. Just to make something clear, when saying “inappropriateâ€, that’s when observing things form your future employer’s point of view.Those can be pictures from parties, summer holidays, some silly statuses and whatnot, and you don’t want any of those to have an impact over recruiter’s decision on evaluating you as a candidate.THE ULTIMATE TIPS FOR ACING THE SUMMARY SECTION IN NEUROSURGEON CV Our next stop is the Summary section, which, as the name itself implies, should SUMMARIZE some key points from your resume. It should represent some combination of skills, education, and experience.In case you are a candidate with plenty of experience, then your summary can only gather information from that section.On the other hand, if you have no experience but you possess some exquisite skills, they should be your wild card in resume. You can also push things a bit by saying why you want this job, or in which way you can contribute to the team.So, this mini compilation has the sole purpose to grab the HR’s attention and persuade him/her to invite you, and hopefully give you the job.It should be precise and engaging, containing the very best of you.Speaking of some ideal length and the structure of the summary, it should be around two or three sentences, with some most prominent highlights.So, no boring sentences, no romantic life stories, just list what you think is the most re presentative thing about you.After all, you are a neurosurgeon, aren’t you?Cut it precisely, just as you would do during any operation.Here are some useful examples:SummaryA highly-cooperative pediatric neurosurgeon with 7+ years of experience. Educated patients and family members on the complete procedure (perioperative, treatment plan and care after discharge from hospital). Provided assistance during operating procedures of complex and untypical conditions. Seeking opportunities to upgrade my knowledge and experience. RightSummaryExperienced pediatric neurosurgeon. Educated patients. Assisted during operating procedures. WrongOne again, it’s quite clear which candidate would sound more professional and deeply interested in getting the job. Because that’s what summary should do, show that you are deeply and truly interested in scoring that great job.FIND OUT HOW TOP-PERFORMING NEUROSURGEONS ARRANGE THE EXPERIENCE SECTION IN THEIR RESUMES After learning how to write th e best summary for the neurosurgeon resume, learn how to make the Experience section sound equally punchy and powerful.This is perhaps the most significant part of your resume because it shows whether or not you have some practical experience and what are your achievements in the field.This will give the best picture in which way you as a candidate can contribute to the future company. Experience is in the majority of cases the determining factor when selecting the right one to employ.It may sound a bit discriminatory regarding the individuals who have just graduated or those who haven’t got any experience, but that’s the truth. We don’t want to create illusions or discourage you, the whole point is to help you persuade the recruiters that you are the one who deserves the job.When listing the experiences from previous jobs, list your contributions, achievement, and scope of duties.Then arrange those in bullet point and you will get a perfect reader-friendly neurosurgeon CV.We told you how attention span is getting shorter and shorter, so creating an easy-to-read document is of vital importance.If possible to apply it, add some numbers or percentages, as they add more value to whatever you listed. Let’s say they make your experience and qualities measurable. As silly as it sounds, but they do the magic, of course, if implemented naturally.Here’s how it should and should look: Right WrongOf course, when arranging the Experience section, stick to those which are of importance to the profession.Even though the fact that you worked ever since you started studying in a café, as a shop-assistant or pet sitter may imply that you are a hard-working person, still, those have nothing to do with being a neurosurgeon.In case you don’t have many things to list in this section, we have a solution for that as well. Keep reading to find out!THE EDUCATION SECTION AS YOUR SECRET WEAPON ON NEUROSURGEON RESUMEIn case you are applying for the first time and you have just graduated, the best way to create a persuasive resume is to ace the Education section.Even though experience almost always prevails, it doesn’t mean this section should be underestimated.Perhaps you are a college graduate with an excellent GPA score, or you have some extraordinary achievements during studies, and those can be your key to success.You surely wrote some important essays and did various research , or maybe you attended some seminars. These are just some of the ideal what could be an excellent addition to this section.Each one of us has some unique knowledge and qualities, and sometimes that’s the thing recruiters are asking for, so show them what you’ve got.Do know that there are always chances that other candidates are not competent or haven’t arranged their resume properly (because they haven’t had the opportunity to check out our awesome guide!), so do your best to rise and shine.THE ULTIMATE WAY TO EXPRESS SKILLS WHEN CREATING A NEUROSURGEON RESUME When listing the skills on your resume, you need to adjust it according to the specific requirements of the position. Neurosurgery is an immense field of medicine, there are plenty of branches, so the skillset will vary slightly.Even those these data may sound generic or unnecessary, sometimes even too obvious, you need to find a way to articulate them the right way.Their task is to intensify the experience and kno wledge you listed, and give an extra dose of credibility to the entire document.Make sure they are well-balanced, just like the previous sections. And keep them profession-related, don’t include some silly stuff such as “champion in fats sandwich-eating†or “lightning-quick beer drinkerâ€, or “passionate and experienced belly-dancerâ€.They have nothing to do with how concentrated you will be while performing a complex operation or how well will you communicate with patients.Keep those silly trivia away from the resume, they can only harm.Here’s the right and the wrong way to write your skills:SkillsUrgent care specialistHighly-efficient strategy plannerHonest medical professionalCooperative and able to make decisions under pressure RightSkillsMake decisionsEfficientHonest WrongFINAL SET OF HOTTEST TIPS FOR BEST EVER NEUROSURGEON RESUME There’s a funny joke related to this profession saying: â€We know how much we know about the brain, but not how much we don’t k now!â€Well, we DO NOT know is how many candidates will apply for the position and which one will be the lucky one to get it, but we DO know what it takes to create a great resume for a neurosurgeon and boost the chances maximally to stand among the competition.That’s why we shall recap the most prominent rules and serve them to you as an ultimate list of excellent tips and tricks to polish your CV before you hit the “submit†button.First of all, the length of your resume is the thing that first grabs the reader’s attention, so optimize it.What we mean is you shouldn’t create an excessively lengthy resume, but it shouldn’t be as modest as a three-sentence document.One page is ideal, two is maximum if there’s so much precious experience you want to share.Then, make sure your resume has no grammar errors, typos. We know that applying for a job is a stressful procedure, and the chances to make some mistakes of this sort are quite big, so don’t hesitate to have it proofr ead by a professional.Finally, don’t be afraid to make it look more reader-friendly by implementing the versatility of formatting options.There are tons of them, bullet points, highlights, adequate fonts, bolding, italics, etc. Even these basic options are more than enough to make your neurosurgeon resume look well-optimized and easy to skim.Of course, don’t exaggerate and make your CV look like a bunch of colors and dots scattered all around, because the effect will be the opposite. Balance is the most important here, and these options work the best if used in the right place.Let’s say this is the final checklist, but there are more details you should pay attention to before you send your resume to the employers.Review the entire document once again. Sometimes while in a hurry to send our resumes, we fail to articulate things well, and we realize we made some sloppy mistakes only after submitting it.So, read it aloud, it’s the best way to check how it sounds and if there ar e some points to be corrected.You can also ask a friend of yours for a second opinion. Two heads are always better than one. If you already have some CV which you usually submit, make sure it meets the requirements of the specific position.Personalize it based on what the job ad requires a candidate to have and you will leave a positive impression on the recruiters.And last but not the least important, make sure you have the document saved in various formats. The most commonly used is PDF, but just in case, you can also save it as TXT. Having a physical copy of it is a good idea as well.FINAL THOUGHTSAs you can see, learning how to ace your neurosurgeon resume is a no-brainer! If you are already capable of doing complex operations that are an inevitable part of your highly-demanding profession, creating a great CV shouldn’t be much of a problem.The final token of appreciation from us comes in the form of a handy resume template builder.Motivated by the idea to help people create a fantastic resume and increase the chances to score the ideal job, we came up with practical solutions, so give it a try.It allows you to add or include whichever section you want, and tailor your CV precisely according to the requirements.Thank you for being with us through our comprehensive guide on how to write a resume for the neurosurgeon.You know that we cannot guarantee that you will get the job, but what we can guarantee is that if you follow these instructions, the likelihood of getting the desired job is at its maximum level.Now that you have all the necessary knowledge on how to arrange your skillset, education, and experience in the best way and what to stress out in each of the sections, make that resume shine.Have the best of luck in finding the ideal job! Create your own resume
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Is Schizophrenia A Serious Mental Disorder - 1578 Words
Introduction Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects the way an individual thinks, feels, and acts (MHA, 2017). Diagnosed individuals have trouble deciphering what is real or what their mind is making up. This is caused by hallucinations and delusions with sight and auditory. Individuals full heartedly believe the hallucinations are real and it may be hard for loved ones to watch. Social situations are difficult for patients diagnosed because social norms are harder to express. It is hard to hold a relationship with peers due to the symptoms they deal with everyday making it hard to interact in social norms. The cause is still unclear to how someone obtains schizophrenia. Although it’s unsure scientist know this is not†¦show more content†¦To be diagnosed with schizophrenia these symptoms have to be apparent for at least 6 months (NAMI, 2017). It is not an easy diagnosis regardless what age an individual falls into. The majority of people who suffer do not believe they have the mental disorder, this can make the diagnosis very difficult to accept. A health care provider must examine someone under the suspicion of having schizophrenia for 6 months to ensure the correct diagnosis. This is because a simple lab test or physical test can not be done to push out a positive or negative result. Brain tumors, and possible other mental illnesses must be ruled out before the health care provider makes the final diagnosis (NAMI, 2017). Once diagnosed it is easier to get treatment right away to get psychotic breaks under control, an understanding as to why they are happening and on the road for treatment. Physicians This mental disease was first identified by a German physician Dr. Emile Kraepelin in 1887. He used the term â€Å"dementia praecox†believing this was a disease of the brain. Eugene Bleur later on changed the name to schizophrenia, as the name before was misleading. Viennese psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), convinced many that this disorder was due to childhood experiences (LLC, 2017). ‘Fever therapy’ used to be a treatment used by physicians in the twenties.Show MoreRelatedSchizophrenia Is A Very Serious Mental Disorder2203 Words  | 9 PagesMay 30, 2016 Schizophrenia’s Reality Schizophrenia is a very serious mental disorder. This disorder affects many people across the world as it does not matter an individual’s age, race, and their economic levels. An individual’s personality is distorted and they can lose their sense of reality where the individual has an unclear thought process, false beliefs, or even hearing voices. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sir Philip Sidney’s defence essay, “An apology for...
Sir Philip Sidney’s defence essay, â€Å"An apology for poetry,†refers to poetry â€Å"as an art of imitation [†¦] [that] speaks metaphorically†(Ferguson, Salter Stallworthy, 2005: 331). Sidney’s essay epitomises the pivitol importance and art of creating poetry. From the 1500’s to the 1660’s, England found itself a process of complete rebirth of all its important facets. Transformation in its social and cultural, as well as philosophical and religious approaches was evident. This transformational process, with regards to literature, resulted in the redesign of old, successful forms, such as the Petrarchan sonnet. Francesco Petrarch, the genius behind the 14th century Petrarchan sonnet, was legendary in creating a form in which to convey†¦show more content†¦These include the structure of fourteen lines, the specific rhyme scheme and thematic preoccupation with love. Petrarch decided to split these fourteen lines into two p arts: an octave of eight lines that posed a concern or problem, immediately followed by a sestet of six lines that offered a solution to this mentioned issue. This became a very effective way of communicating frustrations of the courtly lover, who was synonymous with Petrarch’s sonnets. Courtly love’s characteristics were that of a â€Å"courtly lover [who] idealizes and idolizes his beloved. [He would] subject himself to her [†¦] suffer agonies of body and spirit [†¦] but remains devoted to her [in] adherence to a rigorous code of behaviour†(Abrams Harpman, 2012: 66). This absolute dedication of a passive lover that will do anything at the request of his haughty beloved, is an image that seems to be the same in some of the sonnets of both Wyatt and Spenser. It is however, only with close investigation that one realise how both these poets adapted the theme slightly to make it seem as if their sonnets followed the same poetic tradition, even though it disguised it as something different. Both Wyatt and Spenser changed the rhyme scheme of the Petrarchian sonnet, subsequently an indication of how both theses English
Western Experience Paper Free Essays
I am a soldier at the Alamo this would be a pivotal event in the Texas Revolution. This would follow a 13-day siege, Me and my fellow Mexican troops under President General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna launched an assault on the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Bexar which is now modern-day San Antonio, Texas, USA. All of the Texans defenders were killed. We will write a custom essay sample on Western Experience Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Santa Anna’s perceived cruelty during the battle inspired many Texan’s both Texas settlers and adventurers from the United States to join the Texan Army. By a desire for revenge the Texans defeated the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto, on April 21, 1836, which ending the revolution. Several months previously, Texans had driven all Mexican troops out of Mexican Texas. Approximately 100 Texans were then garrisoned at the Alamo. The Texan force grew slightly with the arrival of reinforcements led by eventual Alamo co-commanders James Bowie and William B. Travis. On February 23, approximately 1,500 Mexican troops marched into San Antonio de Bexar as the first step in a campaign to re-take Texas. For the next 12 days the two armies engaged in several skirmishes with minimal casualties. Aware that his garrison could not withstand an attack by such a large force, Travis wrote multiple letters pleading for more men and supplies, but only fewer than 100 reinforcements would arrive. In the early morning hours of March 6 we would be given orders to advance on the Alamo. After repulsing two attacks, Texans were unable to fend off a third attack. As a Mexican soldier I scaled the walls, most of the Texan soldiers withdrew into interior buildings. Defenders unable to reach these points were slain by the Mexican cavalry as they attempted to escape. Between five and seven Texans may have surrendered if so, they were quickly executed. Most eyewitnesses and myself could remember that between 182 and 257 Texans died, while most historians of the Alamo agree that between 400–600 Mexicans were killed or wounded. Several noncombatants were sent to Gonzales to spread word of the Texan defeat. The news sparked a panic, known as â€Å"The Runaway Scrape†, in which the Texan army, most settlers, and the new Republic of Texas government fled from the advancing Mexican Army. The last of the Texans to die were the 11 men manning the two 12-pounder cannon in the chapel. A shot from the 18-pounder cannon destroyed the barricades at the front of the church, and we entered the building after firing an initial musket volley. Almaron Dickinson’s crew fired their cannon from the apse into some of my fellow soldiers at the door, luckily for me I was not at the door at that time but was there some minutes later. With no time to reload, the Texans, including Dickinson, Gregorio Esparza and James Bonham, grabbed rifles and fired before being bayoneted to death, with me bayoneting Bonham. Texan Robert Evans, the master of ordnance, had been tasked with keeping the gunpowder from falling into Mexican hands. After being wounded, he crawled toward the powder magazine but was killed by a musket ball with his torch only inches from the powder. Had he succeeded, the blast would have destroyed the church and killed the women and children that were hiding in the sacristy. As soldiers approached the sacristy, one of the young sons of defender Anthony Wolf stood to pull a blanket over his shoulders. In the dark, I and other soldiers mistook him for an adult and killed him, this would be the first time I would kill a child not even certain if my shot would be the fatal shot. Possibly the last Texan to die in battle was Jacob Walker, who attempted to hide behind Susannah Dickinson and was bayoneted in front of the women. Another Texan, Brigido Guerrero, also sought refuge in the sacristy. Guerrero, who had deserted from the Mexican Army in December 1835, was spared after convincing the soldiers he was being held as a Texan prisoner. By 6:30 a. m. the battle for the Alamo was over. We inspected each corpse, bayoneting any body that moved. Even with all of the Texans dead, Mexican soldiers continued to shoot, some killing each other in the confusion. Mexican generals were unable to stop the bloodlust and appealed to Santa Anna for help. Although the general showed up, the violence continued and the buglers were finally ordered to sound a retreat. For 15 minutes after that, soldiers continued to fire into dead bodies. Following the battle, Santa Anna was alternately viewed as a national hero. Mexican perceptions of the battle often mirrored the prevailing viewpoint. Santa Anna had been disgraced following his capture at the Battle of San Jacinto, and many Mexican accounts of the battle were written by men who had been, or had become, his outspoken critics Within Mexico, the battle has often been overshadowed by events from the Mexican–American War of 1846–48. In 19th-century Texas, the Alamo complex gradually became known as a battle site rather than a former mission. The Texas Legislature purchased the land and buildings in the early part of the 20th century and designated the Alamo chapel as an official Texas State Shrine. The Alamo is now â€Å"the most popular tourist site in Texas†. After the Mexican-American war I would retire and soon die some six years later, and my story would be told to by my kids to my grandchildren and generations to come. How to cite Western Experience Paper, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Vietnam Argumentative Essay Example For Students
Vietnam Argumentative Essay The Vietnam War was a brutal war that affected millions of people in manydifferent countries. All wars start because there is a difference in peoplesopinions, and the Vietnam War was no different. It started because France and aVietnam leader, Ho Chi Minh, had a difference in opinion about the type ofgovernment Vietnam should have. To find out why the war broke out you will haveto go back to the 1750s. This is where the French started their so-calledprotectorate state of Vietnam. For many years the people of Vietnam protestedbut could not organize into a force powerful enough to resist the French. Thenin 1946 a communist educated individual called Ho Chi Minh organized the peopleof North Vietnam and drove out the French rulers in a war that took eight years. We will write a custom essay on Vietnam Argumentative specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now During peace settlements in Geneva they allowed North and South Vietnam tobecome separate nations, divided on the 17th parallel. This was only to last fortwo years. After two years the two countries would then vote on a common leaderand reunite the two countries once more. This never happened. South Vietnam wasafraid that a Communist leader would be chosen and the nation would be in ruins. Communist guerrillas in South Vietnam opposing the canceled election beganattacks on Southern Vietnam and remaining French officials to gain control ofSouth Vietnam. If North Vietnam was to begin their invasion of South Vietnam theCommunist ruler Ho Chi Minh was sure to have complete control over the nationand spread his ideas of communism to neighboring countries. The United Statesthought that this should not happen so in 1965 the president ordered the bombingof North Vietnam and the landing of US troops in South Vietnam. This then causedNorth Vietnam to send regular units to the South. That therefore, cause more UStroops to become involved. All of this kept building and building until it was afull-scale war. The main cause that lead the Vietnam War to brake out was thatthe old imperial France thought they could keep a so called protectorate statewithout giving them any freedom. Then a communist leader came along that unitedthe people and took over in the name of freedom. The U.S. t hought that ifVietnam became communist then neighboring countries would soon follow. They didnot want communism to spread so they tried to stop it but it did not work outlike they thought it would. The United States hatred for communism was whatpulled them into the war. Another mishappening that pulled the United Statesdeeper in to the war happened in the first week of August 1964, when NorthVietnamese torpedo boats were reported to have attacked two U.S. destroyers inthe Gulf of Tonkin. As a result of this attack, former President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered jets to South Vietnam and the retaliatory bombing of militarytargets in North Vietnam. Later on, this information was found out to be false. The Vietnam War was a very unique war. There has been many different thing saidabout the Vietnam War. Some say the war was a waste of time because it as notour battle. There are many reasons that caused us to enter into the war. Thiswar was very unique because the U.S. didnt win but did win most of thebattles. The U.S. was greatly affected by the war and so was Vietnam.
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